Site last updated 03-10-25

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Our window films have proven the world over.  The Smithsonian Institute, Scotland Yard, Eiffel Tower, and Disneyland are just a few of the buildings that have been treated with these revolutionary products.  Contact us today for a free estimate.  We are located in South Orange County and have been serving Southern California since 1983.  Right now is the time to save.  We are offering some of the lowest prices in years due to the slow economy. 

Window tint can also lower your utility bills and help conserve energy along the way.  So Go Green this year and tint your windows with Safe-Sun Window Tinting.  A GREEN Company.

2024 Federal Tax Credit for Home Window Tinting

The 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act reinstated federal tax cuts for consumers who make certain energy-efficient improvements to their home.  For 2024, window film has been added to the list of improvements.  Now anyone who has purchased qualifying solar control window film between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2024 can receive a 2024 tax credit for those who have not yet purchased film, they still have time.  Purchase the product before December 31, 2024 and receive a 2024 tax credit.

Money in Your Pocket - A tax credit is more valuable than a tax deduction.  A tax credit directly reduces your income tax, unlike a deduction, which reduces the amount of income subject to tax.  The credit then directly increases the tax refund you receive or decreases the amount you have to pay.  Homeowners can receive a 30% credit on the costs of window film, up to $1,500.  Installation charges do not apply.

Making it Simple - Complete 2021/2022 version of IRS form 5695 and file 2024 Income Tax Returns.  Forms will be available for download at or, along with a list of other available energy efficiency tax credits.  Maintain copies of the dealer invoice for the window film product, separated by cost for film and installation.  Installation costs are not eligible for the tax credit.  You will also need a copy of the manufacturer's certification statement which determine which products qualify based upon where you reside.  Make sure you keep a copy of both for your records.

Two Ways to Save Money - Energy efficiency can lower your federal tax bill and your monthly energy bill.  Heat gained through windows make up to 40% of your summer utility bill.  Solar control window film reduces heat gain by 80%, which helps lower energy consumption and energy bills.

Other Benefits of Window Film - In addition to money savings, window film can increase indoor comfort, reduce fading of your home furnishings, and protect your family against harmful UV rays.  Window film is also energy efficient.  According to the Alliance to Save Energy, energy efficiency is the quickest, cheapest, and cleanest way to extend our world's energy supplies.

To Purchase Film - This 30% window film tax credit only applies to the cost of window film.  It cannot be applied for the cost of labor to install the film.  Additionally, window films sold at Home Depot, Lowes or AutoZone do not qualify for the 2016 Tax Credit and are not tint brands that professional installers use or endorse.  All products must meet U-factor and Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) maximum of .30.

We have put the Orange County Register Real Estate article "Take cheap, easy steps first to meet state energy goals" dated June 10, 2018.  Click on the article below for the full review.  #1 energy savings is Window Tinting.


(949) 855-0200



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